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] DefiantVZ.com - Defiant Everquest Guild Forum » GuestBook
Sign GuestBookSign GuestBook 281 Pages « 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 »
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Signed By : Limmerman

Just checkin out the site. Congratulations on the all the accomplishments you have made in the recient weeks!!!

Date Sep-12-06 3:00am   »  United States
Signed By : BAGANZ
Baganz 70 warrior heyas
Date Jul-28-06 8:20pm   »  United States
Signed By : Peridots Member
Just checking Defiant out. Hey Rezz!!
Date Jul-18-06 12:53pm   »  United States
Signed By : Banditone
Thought you guys had closed up shop!  Glad to see yall still swingin it like old timez.  Many fond memories from the old school defiant gang, fukin fefs! 8D  Miss you guyz!
Date Jul-11-06 12:42am   »  United States
Signed By : Chikasaz
Many fond names I find here and many fond memories as well.
Date Jun-23-06 5:24pm   »  United States
Signed By : Udaeeleos
Kick some ass Defiant! ;)
Date Mar-16-06 10:49am   »  United States
Signed By : Myrdin

Omg, nice to see you guys are still kicking ass and taking names =).

Date Mar-10-06 12:48pm   »  Sweden
Signed By : Hardalek Member
Corah are you playing EQ2 on Nafagen on freeport side?
Date Feb-27-06 7:51am   »  United States
Signed By : Caliel Member
Omg it’s Dottir! How are you doing?
Date Feb-12-06 4:13am   »  United States
Signed By : Finnvairdottir
It tears at my heart to stop by briefly. I miss the old days terribly - and I miss all of my old friends from Defiant. I am amazed that many of you are still hammering away in old Norrath. I never thought I would quit but here it is - a couple of years later - and I am amazed that I played as long as I did. Y’all were the reason that I kept logging on - such golden memories :) Hugs to all and keeping on rockingdottir ! Finny
Date Jan-28-06 3:33pm   »  Canada
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281 Pages « 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 »
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