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Internet Info about Armenia ]
All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Domain extension am
WHOIS Search Whois
Internet Service Providers 9 (2001)
Internet users 30,000 (2001)
Country Info about Armenia
Country flag The national flag of Armenia Armenia is marked in green
Map of Asia
Conventional Long Form Republic of Armenia
Conventional Short Form Armenia
Local Long Form Hayastani Hanrapetut'yun
Local Short Form Hayastan
Former Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic; Armenian Republic
Location Southwestern Asia, east of Turkey
Map References Asia
Geographic 40 00 N, 45 00 E
Timezone GMT +4 / (*) +5     * DST Time
Capital Yerevan
Population 3,326,448
Area (Km2) 29,8
Currency dram (AMD)
Language(s) Armenian 96%, Russian 2%, other 2%
Religion(s) Armenian Apostolic 94%, other Christian 4%, Yezidi (Zoroastrian/animist) 2%
Status UN Country
Membership(s) United Nations  EU: European Union  
CIA World Fact Book
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